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Thoughts & Inspiration

The past three weeks of ministry have flown by! I have totally pushed off writing a blog, but I am finally getting to it today on my Sabbath.

Each week has similarities in ministry but also, no two days are the same. On a typical Sunday and Monday, we don’t have ministry. On Sundays, my team will usually go out and explore in Antigua, Parramos, Chimaltenango, or somewhere around. On Mondays, we try to chill at the base or a coffee shop for a lot of the day just spending time with the Lord and catching up with friends and family. I didn’t realize until doing such intense ministry during the week that I need a Sabbath to rest physically and spiritually.

On Tuesdays, I typically get up around 6 am to spend time with the Lord and get ready for the day before breakfast at 7 am. After breakfast, we wash dishes and all pile in the van for ministry. We get dropped off in Sumpango where we spend an hour or so in the prayer room at the Reindom house, which is my team’s ministry. This time is really important to make the focus of ministry on Jesus and to be filled up before we go and pour out onto others. After this, we take the bus to the village, Santa Marta. We get split into groups where we either clean the school, go on house visits, make food in the kitchen for the school children, etc. That afternoon, we serve lunch to the children in the village. These children don’t get to eat for every meal because of extreme poverty which is heartbreaking but so cool to be able to provide a meal for them and sit and eat with them. After lunch, we typically either clean dishes or teach Bible class, English class, music class, or art class for a few hours. I have loved teaching Bible and English classes to the kids. They are so eager to learn and it’s been a great opportunity for me to practice my Spanish. Fridays are pretty similar to Tuesdays. An extra thing we usually do on Fridays is plan games for the younger kids to play.

Wednesdays are super exciting days! In the mornings, we do something called Kingdom Table. We head to Sumpango around 7:15 am and start preparing a breakfast and setting up the local gym for 40-ish alcoholics and elderly people to come have a meal with us and learn about Jesus. We get to go out into the town and invite people to come to get a free meal. We pray for them and get to know them. We’ve made some pretty awesome friends through this! After that, we clean up and have a couple hours to chill. During that time, our team usually has a team time Bible study and we head to the Sarita, which is our favorite ice cream place! Thank goodness I have people on my team who love ice cream as much as I do! That afternoon we head to Santa Marta again for Soccer Club. We hold two practices with the kids where we play with them, go through drills, play soccer games, and have a time of prayer and discipleship. My years of high school soccer have paid off during this time. I’ve loved getting to help the kids improve their skills. They have a tournament coming up in a week which we hope to show up to support them at!

Thursdays are Activation Days. These days were a little nerve wracking for me at first, but I have come to love them. We start the morning with a teaching and worship. After that, we each spend time with the Lord practicing listening prayer. We then get split into groups and head to different villages and towns. When we get there, we split into groups of two or three, just like Jesus sent the disciples out in two. We have only 30 seconds to ask the Holy Spirit for a vision, impression, sign, color, etc of where we should go or who we should talk to. It’s hard to only have 30 seconds, but that way we can’t overthink what God is speaking to us. We then all share what impressions we got and then head on our way. We usually talk to one or two people in the couple hours we have. It’s been a really fruitful time of sharing the Gospel and loving on people. I will make another blog post sharing some of the stories from these days.

Monday through Friday nights, we have dinner around 5:30 and then do our chores and have an hour of team time where we do activities together, feedback circles, gratitude, weekly debrief, worship, Bible studies, etc.

Saturday mornings have been some of the most eye opening days of ministry so far. We hold a Bible club for a couple hours at the school where we do a teaching and worship with the kids. The ages of these kids range from 5-13 years old. The first Saturday we went, I witnessed something I have never seen before. When the time of worship and prayer came after the teaching, these young kids all got on their knees, hands in the air, crying out and praying to God. My eyes immediately swelled with tears seeing these kids cry out to their father and seeing them so innocently seek Him. I felt so convicted in that moment because when doing a majority of our ministry here with children, it’s sometimes hard to see what fruit will come of it. I had previously had thoughts like, “These kids won’t even remember this stuff, why did I come all the way to Guatemala for this?” I tried to put God in a box and limit His power. These kids live in huts with dirt floors. These kids take cold showers. These kids don’t know when their next meal will be. These kids have only one outfit. But here they are, praising their Good Father. I fell to my knees in tears watching this. As I prayed over the children, God put the verse on my heart about a child-like faith from Matthew 18. Having the faith of a child means to put your will aside and trust the Lord no matter the circumstances. To love the Lord without hesitation or condition.

Some things I have learned the past few weeks:

  1. Guatemalans are rarely on time.
  2. Always bring toilet paper to ministry.
  3. It’s gonna rain at about 5 pm almost every day, so make sure your clothes are off the drying line by then.
  4. Don’t get too close to the stray dogs.. they will chase you.
  5. Guatemala McDonalds SLAPS.
  6. The UV is 10-12 from 10:30 am – 2 pm so you better watch how much time you spend in the sun.
  7. God will use every opportunity He can to connect with you and teach you something new, even if that means scrubbing the school floors on your hands and knees.
  8. And quite possibly one of the most valuable things I’ve learned so far: God loves me. He wants to be my friend. He wants to be in intimate relationship with me and when I talk to Him, He will answer.

Prayer requests for the next few weeks:

  1. That I will continue to walk in intimacy with the Lord, continuing to have conversation with Him and listen to Him throughout my days.
  2. That I will serve others out of a place of rest and peace in the Father rather than trying to earn His rest and love.
  3. For continued openness to the Gospel from those we meet and have been building relationships with.
  4. Please pray the armor of God, Psalm 91, and prayers of protection over us here as there is a lot of demonic spiritual things going on in both Sumpango and Santa Marta.

Thank you for your continued prayers. I am planning on trying to post on here more often, so stay tuned!

Follow and michelucciphotography on insta to see more of what we’re doing!

9 responses to “The First Few Weeks of Ministry”

  1. Oh, sweet Anna! How I love you! What a beautiful lifetime experience you are living this summer. It is so touching to hear how God is working in you and thru you! I will continue lifting you and your team in prayer. XOXOXO

  2. Oh Anna! It was so good to hear from you!!! Wow…what a trip!! Your days are so filled with the Holy Spirit❤️

    Your expressions in these pictures and the people in the pics, are priceless!!

    May God continue to watch over you and bless you in the days to come!!

    You were so meant to be there for such a time as this😘

  3. It’s so awesome to read your words and see these precious pictures! What an amazing life experience you are having. I have no doubt that you are changing lives every day. We will pray for you and your team! Love you sweet girl!!!

  4. So good to hear from you Anna! You remain on my daily prayer list – that God will lead you and use you where He needs you! Take care!

  5. Anna,
    I love reading your day to day life teaching about our God to not only adults but children too. God has filled you with his Holy Spirit for sure. Continued prayers for safety and spreading the 💕.

  6. I am so incredibly proud of you, Anna. Thanks for sharing this update and all the prayer requests. Know that many people are praying for you here at home. God is leading you into so many adventures, and most of all, He is leading you into more and more of His love.

  7. Hi Anna, I want to tell you that I enjoyed reading your comments on the mission that you were on. I think it’s a marvelous experience that you’re having for the summer. I am up here on mu Lane waiting for your folks to get here and your grandma, I haven’t seen her for a while and it will be wonderful to see her. I have my whole family up here with me and the girls and who’s going to be doing some skiing and tubing and I just thought I would come in and tell you how much I enjoyed reading your blog on them your mission you gonna take after your mother I think in your writing it was marvelous keep it up

  8. Amazing encounter with God- your team and those you are serving. The picture with the little ones really tug at my heart. They love you so much.
    You are definitely in depth with the Lord.
    So happy you have time for coffee- ice cream and deep friendships too
    Thank you so much for sharing. Praying from here. An incredible granddaughter you are.

  9. Your mom posted this for us on FB and I’m glad she did. For reference: I’m a long-distance writer friend of your mom (and by default, your grandma). I had to smile at some of your lessons learned, and I am stopping to agree in prayer with you right now for your requests–especially for the Lord to raise a standard of protection against the enemy. Remember; “Do not be afraid, for there are more FOR you than against you!” 2 Kings 6:16. The Lord is using you in a mighty way to alter the lives of these little ones, and at the same time, your own life will never be the same. May the Lord continue to bless you for being obedient to His call.